Wednesday, 1 July 2020 - 9 minutes
Macclesfield MP, David Rutley, has given his strong backing to local businesses, particularly those in the retail and hospitality sectors, as we move to the next phase in easing lockdown restrictions. Local pubs, restaurants, hairdressers, B&Bs and hotels will be able to open from Saturday 4th July and David spoke with Darren about this.
Medium-level cloud
High: 5°C | Low: 2°C
Low-level cloud
High: 6°C | Low: 2°C
Low-level cloud
High: 5°C | Low: 2°C
Low-level cloud
High: 5°C | Low: 2°C
Low-level cloud
High: 6°C | Low: 2°C
Low-level cloud
High: 5°C | Low: 2°C