Wednesday, 28 August 2019 - 4 minutes
Sarah, Val, Ali, Sue, Sian, Paula, Helen and Nic took part in the walk in support of the treatment being received by Nic – Nic is also taking part to help build her strength after treatment – there’s a photo of her ‘ringing the bell’ on their JustGiving page.
The team walked a collective 256 miles in the peak district in support of their friend Nic who received / is receiving treatment for Breast Cancer at the Christie – Nic is also taking part in the walk to help her build up her strength again after treatment. They are based in Macclesfield.
Our friendship began when our children were at primary school more than 20 years ago. Now, some of our children have children of their own! Throughout those years, as well as through personal experiences we have seen family members, close friends and colleagues receive world class care and treatment at The Christie hospital and so it has always been a presence in our lives. We have previously raised funds for The Christie by doing - The Great North Run; Cycling from Manchester to Blackpool; The Three Peaks Challenge and the Manchester 100 bike ride - some of these several times.
When one of our group, Nic, was diagnosed with breast cancer in February this year and received her treatment at the Christie we were inspired to undertake a significant challenge both in solidarity for our friend and also to raise funds for a really important cause. Nic is now cancer free. We know how lucky we are to have the opportunity of such excellent specialist care in Macclesfield benefitting us all for the future
Although this is very much a team effort with collective motivations we also have individual incentives for taking part, including:
“When my dear friend was battling away with cancer for the 2nd time in her life, her confidence in the Christie was such that she felt it was down to them that her life was extended beyond her diagnosis” (Val)
“Both my mum and dad were treated at the Christie; in my mum’s case she was only in her 30’s - she went on to live to a very healthy 93 years, so I have reasons to be very grateful” (Helen)
“Supporting people with cancer in the community I am very aware of the extra burden people experience travelling into Manchester for treatment. Not everyone has someone that can take them there, and the costs of travel also add to stress at what is a very difficult time. Having such an excellent service locally will make a huge difference to people in our town and surrounding areas” (Sian)
“My sister in law was diagnosed with a very aggressive form of breast cancer in July 2018. The Christie supported her throughout all the treatment. I was with her on several occasions and was deeply moved by what I saw and experienced. Thanks to The Christie she is now cancer free and had her very last Herceptin injection July 2019. My brother and all of our family will be eternally grateful to The Christie for such a positive outcome for Joan” (Sue)
“Along with the amazing treatment I received at The Christie, they treated both my parents and my brother. The impact that cancer has had on my family is hard to put into words, but from my own experience when you first arrive, the fear you feel is immeasurable, but the care that they take to guide you and your family through some of your darkest moments is amazing, and when you leave and say goodbye, their constant care and expertise empowers you to get on and live your life which for the last 16 years I’ve done. Without them, well, it doesn’t bear thinking about. I owe them everything! “ (Ali)
“We are very fortunate to have The Christie in the UK let alone in the northwest and for the Christie to be investing in centres around the north-west is amazing. The toll travelling takes on a patient and their family is huge and so to have the Macclesfield Christie will be amazing especially as the Christie “Culture” will be replicated at this site. I know from personal experience what the Christie offers, it is not so much what the Christie does but how they do it that is so amazing” (Nic)
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High: 12°C | Low: 8°C
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High: 12°C | Low: 8°C
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High: 11°C | Low: 8°C