Vernon Primary School is committed to ensuring British Values are incorporated into their studies and Year 5 students recently met local MP, David Rutley, to discuss how laws are made in Parliament.
During the visit, students had the opportunity to act out a mock debate on the topic of homework. From the Speaker of the House, to Members of Parliament representing each side of the debate, students had the chance to understand how bills are debated in the House of Commons and the value of listening to and respecting all points of view.
Students also asked David a range of interesting questions, including: what the work of an MP entails, how old you must be to become an MP and on how a Bill passes through Parliament. David was impressed by the well-prepared questions and the understanding students had of Westminster.
Separately, David had the opportunity to meet with student councillors and eco-councillors. Each class has two eco-council and two student council representatives. During an annual vote, pupils are elected by their peers to the student council to ensure pupil voices are heard and to make a positive change and impact on the day-to-day life of school. The eco-council meets regularly to discuss and act upon ways to improve and reduce the environmental impact of the school.
Speaking after the meeting, David said “I was very impressed by the level of understanding the Year 5 students have of Parliament and the Rule of Law. The questions asked by the students were of high quality. It was good to see the interest of the class in serving their community.”
Pictured - David Rutley MP at Vernon Primary School.
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