An operation to tackle motoring offences in Sandbach and Middlewich has led to 20 drivers being caught speeding in a day.
It was conducted by the Sandbach and Middlewich Beat team on Wednesday 8 July in conjunction with Cheshire Constabulary’s Roads and Crime Unit.
Follow up enforcement procedures have begun in relation to the drivers caught speeding.
The other results from the day were:
- Seven Traffic Offence Reports (TORs) were issued to motorists
- Five drivers were breathalysed/drug wiped
- Five motorists were given words of advice regarding their driving or their vehicles.
Inspector Kelly Johnston, who oversaw the operation, said: “The operation in Sandbach and Middlewich was organised in response to concerns raised by residents regarding speeding and other motoring offences in the towns.
“We always listen to members of the community regarding any concerns that they have, particularly when it regards a subject as important as road safety.
“Speeding can have devastating consequences. Not only does it increase the risk of collisions occurring but it can affect the severity of those that do take place, and in the worst case scenario can be fatal.
“Collisions are Cheshire’s biggest killer, with 51 people having died on the county’s roads since the start of 2019.
“Operations like the one we conducted on Wednesday help to make our roads safer and we will continue to engage with, and educate, motorists on how to use the roads safely, and to enforce the law when they are not doing so.”
Superintendent Jo Marshall-Bell, who heads up the Roads and Crime Unit, added: “We do not go out policing the roads for the sake of it – we do it to save lives.
“People often ask us: ‘Should you not be spending your time doing something more important and investigating real crimes?’
“My response to that is simple: ‘People are dying on our roads. Stopping any more deaths from happening as a result of something unnecessary and totally avoidable has to be one of our top priorities.’
“Investigations into the fatal collisions in Cheshire show that some of the deaths could have been prevented, and that the biggest killer on the roads is motorists driving carelessly, driving too fast, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, not wearing a seat belt and driving while using a mobile phone. Together, these are known as the Fatal 5.
“We launched our Fatal 5 campaign at the beginning of last year to raise awareness of these five main contributory factors that cause serious road traffic collisions.
“Wednesday’s successful operation in Sandbach and Middlewich is just one example of the education and enforcement work we do regarding the importance of driving safely, adhering to speed limits and not committing any potentially deadly driving offences.
“The message for motorists is don’t put your life, and the lives of other road users and pedestrians, at risk – slow down, pay attention, wear your seat belt, put your phone down, don’t drink or drug drive and make sure that your vehicle is safe for the roads.”
David Keane, Police and Crime Commissioner for Cheshire, said: “Road safety is one of my key priorities and I am committed to continuing to work with Cheshire Constabulary and partner agencies to reduce the number of serious incidents on our roads and motorways.
“There have been too many tragic deaths and serious injuries sustained on Cheshire’s roads in recent times as a result of certain driving behaviours which cause collisions.
“It is great to hear about some of the proactive work that the constabulary is undertaking to improve road safety and it is important that people across Cheshire support efforts to reduce the amount of collisions in the county.
“All motorists have a part to play in making our roads safer.”
For more information on Cheshire Constabulary’s Fatal 5 campaign and how to keep safe on the roads visit https://www.cheshire.police.uk/police-forces/cheshire-constabulary/areas/cheshire/campaigns/campaigns/2019/fatal-5.
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