On Wednesday 5th July, the NHS is turning 75!
Providers and partners nationally will be celebrating by showcasing the best of the NHS and encouraging as many people as possible to join in with NHS@75 activities.
Here's how we're celebrating this milestone at East Cheshire NHS Trust: we want to hear from our patients, their families and our communities:
- Say thank you – if you want to say thank you to an individual or team in the NHS now is the time, simply send your message to ecntstaff.comms@nhs.net and we’ll share these with our colleagues and externally throughout July.
- Share your memories of the NHS – do you have stories/memories of the East Cheshire NHS Trust that you would like to share? Please send to ecntstaff.comms@nhs.net any accompanying photos welcome.
- Send us a Birthday card! – Get creative and get the kids involved in! We will be creating a display for all the birthday cards we receive in our hospital throughout July. Please post your cards to The Communications Team, 2nd Floor, New Alderley House, Macclesfield Hospital, Victoria Road Macclesfield Cheshire SK10 3BL
- Join in the NHS Big Tea! – We will be hosting our own Big Tea event from 12.30 – 14.30 at the main entrance of Macclesfield Hospital where we will be selling Birthday cakes at £2 per slice. Proceeds will go our Trust charity.
To sign up to host your own NHS Big Tea event and receive a fundraising support pack, please visit:
Keep up to date with all the latest news on NHS@75 at:
East Cheshire NHS Trust is the main provider of acute and community health services for the people of East Cheshire. The trust is based at Macclesfield District General Hospital.
Follow East Cheshire NHS Trust on Twitter for all the latest news:
Donations to our charity enable East Cheshire NHS Trust to purchase lifesaving equipment and items not funded by the NHS. You can make a donation to our charity by text. Text hosp45 followed by either £5 or £10 to 70070. So your text might look like this ‘hosp45 £10’. It is free to text us, and your text won’t come out of any inclusive text package – you only pay for the cost of your donation.
Thank you for supporting our charity.
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