Despite the bleak and uncertain nature of all our lives at the moment and especially those in the Adult Care sector, the Rossendale Trust is standing strong under the pressure of Covid19 and is currently free of the virus.
With the extension of the Lockdown for a minimum of three more weeks; the Trust who care for people with learning disabilities remains committed to fighting C19 on all fronts. The tenants and staff continue to remain symptom free, illustrating the Care Support Workers ability to maintain very high levels of hygiene with the tenants - when they are at home and away from work.
The Trust has set up a ‘Respite Suite’ to tackle the difficult situation in a care setting of ‘Isolation’ should the need arise. The suite being an option if any tenant within the Trust displays symptoms enabling them to be cared for effectively and safely. To do this the Trust has repurposed rooms within Rossendale Hall and fitted them out as bedrooms to enable this care to be given , if needed.
During the ‘lockdown’ our health and wellbeing is very much in focus, and this alongside fighting the virus is of paramount concern at the Trust. With tenants & staff unable to go about their normal activities – the Care teams have needed to be very creative. Normally they would be able to access work based placements, community activities, art sessions and so on. Now a variety of activities are taking place in the front rooms, kitchens and garden spaces of the Trust with extraordinary results.
Andy Caesar, Head of Care at the Trust said,
“The fact that the Trust has managed to continue to support 60 tenants during this emergency to live safely and without their care diminishing is a great testament to the dedication, skill and creativity of our outstanding staff teams, all of whom are truly key workers”.
The Rossendale Trust provides supported living care to adults with learning and physical disabilities, in purpose-built apartments in Sutton and Macclesfield, and houses in Buxton.
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