Cheshire East Council is urging people to have their say and take part in consultations on local transport and parking plans for the borough.
The consultations, which began last month and end on 31 January, seek the views of people, communities, elected members and other stakeholders.
More than 2,500 responses have been received so far on the consultations on local transport plan delivery and parking – but there is still time to have your say.
The results of this exercise will help shape ideas to improve transport, walking and cycling in our towns. They will also inform proposals, which would be subject to further consultation, regarding changes to parking provision and potential changes to car parking charges in the borough.
Councillor Craig Browne, deputy leader of Cheshire East Council, said: “These consultations are a real opportunity for us to work together and get the right blend of local transport and parking provision in the right places. That is why it is important that you have your say in helping shape future plans.
“Alongside these proposals, we are also developing town centre vitality plans for our key urban hubs, helping us to better understand and respond to local needs.
“We also need to consider the potential longer-term impacts of Covid-19. This may include using our public spaces differently to enable social distancing, more reliance on active travel, as well as increased home working.”
The local transport plan consultations are based around the following themes:
● Accessibility for all – considering all travel needs;
● Sustainability – improving walking, cycling and public transport;
● Quality of the public realm – managing traffic to support town centres and the visitor economy;
● Better neighbourhoods – improving amenities where people live; and
● Connectivity – the strategic links needed to access work, education and essential services, such as hospitals.
The car parking consultation looks at:
● The role of parking in accessing town centres (current and future);
● The level of parking charges in Cheshire East and scope for harmonisation;
● On-street parking restrictions; and
● Improving parking services.
Councillor Laura Crane, Cheshire East Council cabinet member for highways and waste, said: “Cheshire East’s local transport plan identifies a need for greater harmonisation of parking arrangements across Cheshire East.
“This parking consultation, alongside the development of town vitality plans, aims to engage with all stakeholders to ensure we have a broad strategy for the next five years that considers the economic, environmental and community elements that car parking brings. So, I would encourage people to take just a few minutes to fill in the online questionnaire and share their views.”
The responses to the consultations will be used to shape future policies and proposals.
To find out more and take part in the consultations, visit the council’s web page at: www.cheshireeast.gov.uk/LocalTransportEngagement
If you are struggling to access the plan details or online survey, you can obtain a paper version of the plan by calling our customer services team on 0300 123 5500.
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