As part of a plan to reduce carbon emissions at East Cheshire NHS Trust, four electric car charging points have been installed in the patients and visitors car park which is located by the main entrance of Macclesfield Hospital.
The new charging points will enable patients, visitors and staff to charge their electric vehicle (EV) for up to 4 hours per day in a “Pay As You Go” style approach with normal charges applied.
Sarah Bloor, the trust’s Asset & Sustainability Manager, said: “Travel and transport is one of nine key areas to be addressed in the trust’s Green Plan which will be essential in helping achieve the NHS NetZero carbon target by 2040. The Green Plan will be complete in early 2022 and will lay out the trust’s commitment to NetZero for the next three years.
“The installation of the four EV charge points is fantastic for staff, patients and visitors and will help us promote and enable sustainable travel options now and in the future. Following the successful uptake so far, we are hoping to install more charging points in the next financial year.”
Ged Murphy, Acting Chief Executive at East Cheshire NHS Trust said, “We are also looking to help staff move to greener transport by working with electric fleet car providers in the near future.”
In addition to the EV charging points, the trust will also be replacing its current fleet of diesel estates vehicles in the New Year with two fully electric vehicles to further enhance the trust’s environmental commitment.
The user must register their details with VendElectric either by downloading the app or from the website, www.vendelectric.com.
Users must move their vehicle after the 4-hour maximum parking / Charging limit to allow other users to benefit from the charging points
Staff with a valid parking permit are allowed to utilise the EV Charge points for a maximum of 4 hours per day inclusive of their permit
For further information about East Cheshire NHS Trust please visit: http://www.eastcheshire.nhs.uk/ or contact the trust press office on 01625 663935. For urgent, out-of-hours enquiries, please call 01625 421000.
East Cheshire NHS Trust is the main provider of acute and community health services for the people of East Cheshire. The trust is based at Macclesfield District General Hospital.
Follow East Cheshire NHS Trust on Twitter for all the latest news - @EastCheshireNHS
Pictured - Ged Murphy and Sarah Bloor.
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