The government has recently announced emergency assistance of £63 million to be distributed to local authorities in England.
Cheshire East Council has been allocated with £326,292.53 to use to support groups who are helping people who are struggling to afford food and other essentials due to Covid-19.
This additional funding will be used to build on the success of our community response and recovery fund. It is primarily aimed at supporting organisations to assist residents who are struggling to afford food and other essentials due to the economic impact caused by Covid-19 and is now open to those groups and organisations that want to help communities through the crisis.
Local charities and community organisations already can apply for grants towards the cost of getting food and other essentials to those who need it the most and by delivering essential Covid-19 related services.
Councillor Mick Warren, Cheshire East Council’s cabinet member for communities, said: “Our share of this government funding will help to ensure our most vulnerable residents continue to get access to food and other essentials at this challenging time.
“Our priority will be allocating grants where the need is greatest and other eligible projects that fall into categories such as food banks, soup kitchens, meal and shopping delivery, food distribution and lunch/breakfast clubs”.
Local charities and voluntary groups, including faith-based organisations taking an active role in responding to urgent needs of Cheshire East residents who have suffered from the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic, can apply for these new funds.
For more details about this latest fund visit the community funds and grants website page
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