Cheshire Constabulary has been rated 'good' for its effectiveness in protecting vulnerable people and supporting victims.
They have also been praised for investigating and reducing crime.
However, HMICFRS have indicated a couple of areas where the force could improve.
The report states: "The constabulary ensures that victims of domestic abuse are a priority. However, it should review its processes on scheduling appointments and enhance guidance it gives to call handlers."
"Officers complete effective initial safeguarding at incidents but need more consistent 7 training and feedback on their vulnerable person assessments. The constabulary works in partnership to address mental health problems across Cheshire. Officers are aware of relevant mental health issues, and the constabulary plans to give officers more training."
HMICFRS also found the Constabulary has a very good understanding of the threats posed by serious and organised crime especially when carrying out disruption activity on organised criminals.
Officers have also been recognised for how they offer interventions to prevent vulnerable people and family members from pursuing a life of crime.
The report also found the force focuses on addressing the exploitation of young people travelling to other regions to commit offences, and is proactive in informing and reassuring the public about organised crime.
Deputy Chief Constable Darren Martland said: “It’s vital our local communites have confidence in the Constabulary when providing protection and support to vulnerable people and combating serious and organised crime across our county. I hope the findings in the
HMICFRS report give the public confidence that if they were to be victims of crime we would protect and support them, investigate the crime thoroughly bringing offenders to justice and tackle any concerns they had around anti-social behaviour and serious and organised crime robustly.
“We continue to carry out thorough operations and investigations by putting the victim at the heart of what we do and providing support throughout the investigation and the court process.
“All our officers and staff remain committed to providing a high level of police service to all victims and I am pleased with how the HMICFRS effectiveness report reflects this.”
Police and Crime Commissioner David Keane, who holds the force to account, said: “Despite the changing and challenging landscape that policing faces nationally and the resource pressures we’re dealing with as a police service, I am delighted to see that HMICFRS has commended the work of the constabulary in a number of key areas that underpin the police and crime plan.
“Whilst overall performance is good, there are also areas of improvement highlighted by HMICFRS. I will continue to monitor the areas identified to ensure that the acting chief constable makes improvements, where necessary.
“I would like to thank officers and staff for their continued hard work and commitment to keeping the people of Cheshire safe.”
The report also states that Cheshire Constabulary is ready to respond to any major incidents and "has the necessary arrangements in place to fulfil its national responsibilities, and to respond to an attack requiring an armed response."