Cheshire East Council’s response to government consultation shows strong support for the benefits of devolution for Cheshire and Warrington.
The council’s corporate policy committee has approved a response to the consultation on establishing a new mayoral combined authority and devolving funding and powers from central government to local leaders in Cheshire and Warrington.
Deputy Leader of the Council, Councillor Michael Gorman said:
“Devolution offers a powerful voice for growth in Cheshire & Warrington, to bring better jobs, better transport and smarter investment. It is about recognising that decisions about investment in our local area are best made locally, by leaders who understand the area and are at the heart of our communities, rather than in Whitehall.
“The right agreement could offer us many opportunities – for investment, for jobs and skills, for a truly integrated transport network, and to boost our economy. This includes releasing the full potential of our rural economy and boosting prosperity and wellbeing for all our communities. We look forward to the June Spending Review by the UK government which should give us some indication of the level of long-term funding available to the new combined authority.
“Getting this funding and additional powers to make decisions locally through devolution, across all these areas, means we will be able to get the best for our residents and businesses. If we don’t make the most of this opportunity, we won't be able to deliver as much for local people.
“The council’s response to the consultation shows strong support for the benefits of devolution and the unique potential for Cheshire East alongside our neighbours.
“Our shared vision for Cheshire & Warrington is to be the healthiest, most sustainable, inclusive and growing economy in the UK”.
Leader of the Council, Councillor Nick Mannion said:
“The government has made clear its commitment to devolution across the remaining areas of England that are not currently covered by devolution agreement.
“Now’s the time for Cheshire & Warrington to join the other areas across the North West that already have devolution agreements in place and are reaping the benefits.
“I’d encourage everyone in the borough — residents, businesses, community groups and public and voluntary sector organisations — to learn about the potential benefits of devolution and to respond to the government consultation.
“We have strong and productive working relationships with our neighbours in Cheshire West and Warrington. Devolution is a real opportunity to build on this. It is not about merging councils, the three councils will continue with their current powers, resources and responsibilities.
“We believe that devolution will help us to release the full potential of our borough with the wider Cheshire and Warrington area and will support us to have greater influence nationally, with a seat at the Council of Nations and Regions with the other mayors and national leaders.
“The government consultation will be one of a number of opportunities for people to get involved and share their views.”
The government’s consultation is focused on a number of key themes, including:
- Proposed geography of a devolution agreement;
- Governance arrangements;
- Supporting the economy;
- Improving social outcomes;
- Local services;
- Improving the local natural environment; and
- Supporting the needs of local communities.
The consultation opened at 10 am on 17 February 2025 and will close at 11.59pm on 13 April 2025.
To learn more about devolution in the area visit:
Read the council’s response to the seven consultation questions here:
CEC Response to Government consultation for principles of devolution in Cheshire and Warrington
Before any agreement, views will be sought from the region’s residents, communities and businesses on how devolution could benefit Cheshire & Warrington. Any formal devolution agreement will need to be agreed by each council as well as the Cheshire & Warrington Joint Committee, which provides leadership on strategic economic issues for the region.
The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) has arranged a public consultation engagement event at:
The Mornflake Stadium (Alexandra Stadium) in Crewe on 26 March, between 6pm and 8pm.
At 6pm and 7pm, officials from MHCLG will deliver a presentation outlining the details of the consultation.
Each presentation will last approximately 15 to 20 minutes. After the presentations, officials will be available to discuss any individual queries.
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