To celebrate International Women’s Month, a raffle raising money for Chester Women’s Aid is being held throughout March by Macclesfield-based businesses.
Gumpo, a digital marketing agency, and The Castle pub have joined forces in hopes to raise £1,000 for the charity that helps those experiencing domestic abuse across Cheshire.
There is a chance to win many prizes including a £100 bar tab a Neapolitan pizza and more.
Tickets cost £2 and you can enter as many times as you wish, the more tickets you buy, the better your chance at winning an amazing prize.
Entries start on Saturday, March 8th and will end on March 31st, and winners will be announced on April 4th.
...to donate £2 with your name in the donation box and follow the instructions to enter.
The full list of prizes:
Loola Loves £10 voucher with an Emma Marris New Zealand bottle of wine
Facial NV Beauty voucher with seasonal plant from The Flower House
2 free pizzas from Tommy’s Bar and Pizza
£100 bar tab at The Castle
Pictured - Prizes will be collected from The Castle in Macclesfield.
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