David Rutley, MP for Macclesfield, was pleased to see during a recent visit to Bollington based Bridgend Centre, that Ms Rebecca Lea, Centre Manager and her team continue to deliver a range of services to the community including expanding their buddying scheme.
The Bridgend Centre, made up of an active team of staff and volunteers, offered vital services for vulnerable local residents during the pandemic, and since lockdown restrictions have eased, they have been able to build upon the wide range of activities already on offer.
Following successful bidding for a Cheshire East Covid Recovery Grant, the Bridgend Centre has recently expanded the Bridgend Buddies project. The scheme aims to link someone who may be isolated or vulnerable in the community with a volunteer, offering companionship and support. The Bridgend Centre currently has around 17 partnerships and the team are looking to recruit more buddies to expand on this impressive initiative.
David was also pleased to see the wood workshop is now offering both drop-in sessions and a professionally run structured course for all skill sets. Some of the highly skilled items made in the workshop can be found for sale in the charity shop and bespoke items can also be made on request, such as outdoor planters, aeroplanes and more.
The Bridgend guided walks also continue in 2022 and from July to September they are added to with a shorter evening ‘walk for health’ on a Monday. These are a great way to explore all the local countryside has to offer. The 12th Bollington Walking Festival, which the Bridgend Centre helps coordinate, also begins on 10th September, with approximately 40 walks of various lengths and themes. Some walks do require advance booking and payment, and all information can be found on the website at:
...or by contacting the Centre.
The Bridgend Centre is located at 104 Palmerston Street, Bollington, SK10 5PW. Anyone looking for further information on the buddy scheme and other activities available at the Centre can find information at:
Also, if you are seeking to support the vital work the Bridgend Centre does, further information can be found on their website.
Speaking after his meeting, David said, “I always enjoy visiting the Bridgend Centre and seeing first-hand the important work Rebecca and her team are doing for so many vulnerable people and our community. Bridgend Buddies, will continue their vital work against isolation and as a Patron, I am very proud of all the team continues to do. I would encourage more local residents to do all they can to support the Bridgend Centre.”
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