Every resident in Northwich and Winsford is today advised to book a PCR test whether they have COVID-19 symptoms or not.
In the past seven days, the Council’s Public Health team has noticed a large increase in the number of cases of COVID-19 in these mid-cheshire towns.
The testing data is showing that these cases are more likely to belong to the new Delta Variant B.1.671.2, formerly known as the variant from India.
This variant is more transmissible than previous variants and cases are rising in other areas of the North West.
Across the borough, the Council is managing a number of outbreaks in businesses and schools.
Councillor Louise Gittins, Leader of Cheshire West and Chester Council, said: “It is extremely important that everyone in this local community gets tested, so that prompt public health actions can be implemented to prevent outbreaks and the impact on the local population and economy.
“Many businesses are open and enjoying getting back to work but, as we have seen in the last week, they may have to close if they experience an increase in infections or their staff have to isolate as a result of being a contact of a confirmed case.
“We want businesses to continue trading. It is vital that their staff and customers are tested regularly to prevent further infection. We encourage everyone to get vaccinated when they are invited to do so. We can prevent spread of this current variant if everyone gets tested and follows the guidance on hands, face, space and fresh air.
“It is also important for schools when they return from half term holidays to continue twice weekly testing with lateral flow tests to prevent spread and avoid disruption.”
To book a test you should visit:
and select ‘My local council or health protection team has asked me to get a test, even though I do not have symptoms’ or call 119.
A mobile PCR testing unit is currently based in Cumberland Car Park, Leicester Street, Northwich. This is for pre-booked appointments, 12-8pm. Another PCR local testing centre is located at the Old Depot, Leicester Street in Northwich. This provides PCR tests daily from 8am-8pm. The Centre is open to people wishing to walk up without an appointment, in addition to pre-booked appointments.
There is also a PCR Testing Centre in Winsford at Queensway. This provides PCR tests daily from 8am-8pm. The Centre is open to people wishing to walk up without an appointment, in addition to pre-booked appointments.
There is a no symptoms testing site at the Dingle Centre, Winsford, currently open 9am to 7pm Monday to Friday, and from 9am to 1pm on Saturdays. You can get tested on site and/or pick up home testing kits.
A roving vaccination clinic will be at the Northwich Memorial Car Park on Monday 7 June from 10am – 4pm. The vehicle will be in the coach park area as you enter the car park. The vehicle will have the capacity to administer 144 vaccines. Importantly, these will be Astra Zeneca so can only be administered to those aged 40 and over. This is a ‘drop-in’ service with no need for an appointment.
Anyone who is eligible and has not yet received their first vaccination is encouraged to book in using the national booking portal:
Anyone due for their second dose should also take up the offer as soon as possible.
Pictured - Councillor Louise Gittins.
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